Consulting and Services
Rapid Transit Parking Management, San Francisco, US
Data-Driven Transit Network Re-design and Vehicle Maintenance, San Francisco, US
Artificial Intelligent Decision Support System, Virginia, US
Dynamic Pricing of Urban Rail System (light rail and metro), Bejing, China
Professional sectors, companies and individuals interested in consulting services, collaborative projects and industrial partnerships, please contact Dr. Yili (Kelly) TangÂ
Professional Services
Professional Services:
Standing Committee Memeber, Urban Transportation Data and Information Systems Committee (AED20), Transportation Research Board, the National Academies of US (TRB).
Committee member, Scholarships and Fellowships Selection Committee, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
Vice Chair of Transportation Division, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE).
Vice President, Canada Institute of Transportation Engineers Saskatchewan Section (ITE).
Conference organizing committee, Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS).
Member, Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers (CITE).
Member, Canadian Transportation Research Forum (CTRF).
Member, Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE).
Member, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS).
Member, International Transportation Economics Association (ITEA).
Faculty and university committee and services:
Executive of Council Member, UofR
Co-op Committee Member, UofR
Market Supplement Committee Member, UofR
Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research Council Committee Member, UofR
NSERC Doctoral Selection Committee Member, UofR
Faculty Departmentalization Committee Member, UofR
Postgraduate Professional Development Committee Member, HKUST
Last update: October 8, 2023